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General Terms and Conditions of
Pyramid Computer GmbH (Pyramid)

01. June 2023

1. General information

These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) shall apply to the entire business relationship with contracting parties of Pyramid who are traders (Section 14 German Civil Code), legal entities under public law or special funds under public law (hereinafter: Contracting Party). Pyramid’s GTC shall apply exclusively to the entire business relationship. The Contracting Party’s General Terms and Conditions shall not be recognized unless Pyramid has expressly agreed to them in writing.

2. Conclusion of contract

2.1 Unless expressly designated as binding, offers made by Pyramid shall be subject to change. The contract with Pyramid shall be concluded by written confirmation of the order or by delivery of the products. Only the order confirmation issued by Pyramid shall be relevant to the content of the contract.

2.2  The person who used the communication device (e.g. the caller) is responsible for errors in telephone or electronic communication.

2.3  Pyramid reserves all rights in quotations, diagrams, drawings, technical illustrations and explanations. They may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without the prior written consent of Pyramid.

2.4  The Contracting Party is obliged to provide truthful information when registering. In the event of a change in the Contracting Party’s details, in particular name, address, e-mail address, telephone number or bank details, the Contracting Party is obliged to notify Pyramid of this change without undue delay. If the Contracting Party fails to provide such information or provides false information from the outset, Pyramid reserves the right to withdraw from the contract or to claim damages. Withdrawal shall be made in writing. The Contracting Party shall ensure that it can be contacted at the provided e-mail address from the time it is provided and that it is not prevented from receiving e-mails due to message forwarding or because the e-mail account is closed or full.

3. Delivery

3.1  The delivery periods stated by Pyramid in the order confirmation are not binding. The delivery period shall not commence before receipt of the documents, approvals and releases required for the execution of the contract, insofar as these are to be provided by the Contracting Party. If shipment of the products has been agreed, the delivery dates shall refer to the time when the products leave Pyramid’s warehouse or when the Contracting Party is notified that the products are ready for shipment. Delivery will only be made upon receipt of an agreed down payment by the Contracting Party.

3.2  Unforeseen impediments to delivery (e.g. industrial disputes, delayed supply to Pyramid, strikes, energy supply problems, pandemics, force majeure, etc.) for which Pyramid is not responsible shall entitle Pyramid to extend the delivery period by the duration of the disruption.  Pyramid shall inform the Contracting Party without undue delay of any unforeseen impediments to delivery. In such a case, the Contracting Party is not entitled to withdraw from the contract. In the event that it is not foreseeable that Pyramid will be able to perform within a reasonable period of time, at the latest, however, within four (4) months, Pyramid and/or the Contracting Party may withdraw from the contract by means of immediate written notice. The same shall apply if the impediments still exist three (3) months after Pyramid has given notice thereof. If the reasons for the impediment were already apparent to Pyramid at the time the contract was concluded, Pyramid shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract.

3.3  Pyramid shall be entitled to make partial deliveries to a reasonable extent, i.e. if the partial delivery can be used by the Contracting Party within the scope of the contractual purpose, the delivery of the remaining ordered products is ensured and the Contracting Party does not incur significant additional expenses or costs as a result.

3.4 All deliveries shall be made ex works (EXW)  Freiburg im Breisgau (Incoterms 2020).

4. Retention of title

4.1  The goods shall remain the property of Pyramid until payment has been made in full. The retention of title extends to the satisfaction of all claims arising from the business relationship, including products for which the Contracting Party has not already paid in full prior to delivery. The goods subject to retention shall therefore secure the respective balance. The Contracting Party assigns to Pyramid in advance its claims arising from resale or on any other legal basis (e.g., insurance, torts). Pyramid hereby accepts the assignment. In the event of resale with Pyramid’s own or third-party goods, the assignment shall only apply to the amount of Pyramid’s claim for purchase price.

4.2  The Contracting Party shall be entitled to resell the goods in the ordinary course of business provided that it is not in default. The Contracting Party may neither pledge nor transfer the delivered goods as security. Pyramid must be notified prior to delivery of any rights of third parties which could affect the goods subject to retention.

4.3  If the goods subject to retention are combined with other items or further processed, the retention of title shall continue to the extent described (extended and prolonged) in respect of the processed item. Pyramid thereby acquires a co-ownership share in the ratio of the value of the goods subject to retention (invoice value) to the value of the other combined items. If one of the combined items is to be regarded as the main item, the Contracting Party shall transfer co-ownership to Pyramid in the ratio of the value of the products supplied by Pyramid (invoice value) to the value of the other combined items. The Contracting Party shall store the new item free of charge with regard to Pyramid’s co-ownership share. If the goods subject to retention are resold as part of the new item, the agreed advance assignment shall only apply to the amount of the invoice value of the goods subject to retention.

4.4  The Contracting Party shall remain entitled to assert claims arising from the resale against third parties in its own name. This collection authorization is revocable and expires when the Contracting Party is in default. At Pyramid’s request, the Contracting Party shall disclose the assignment and provide Pyramid with the information and documents required for the collection of the claims.

4.5  The Contracting Party must inform Pyramid immediately of any third-party access to the goods subject to retention, including assigned claims. Damages resulting from a breach of the duty of disclosure, e.g., due to delayed or omitted third-party action against execution, shall be borne by the Contracting Party if it is responsible for them.

4.6  Pyramid undertakes to release securities at its own discretion as soon as their realizable value exceeds Pyramid’s outstanding claims by more than 10%.

4.7  If the law of the country in which the products are located does not permit the agreement of a retention of title or only permits it in a restricted form, Pyramid may reserve other rights to the products. The Contracting Party is obliged to cooperate in all measures necessary to realize the retention of title or other rights replacing the retention of title and to protect these rights.

5. Price

5.1  Unless otherwise agreed, the respective valid list prices (net, excl. VAT) shall apply. If the delivery date is dated more than four months from the order date, the list prices valid at the time of delivery shall apply. In the absence of a list price, the price stated in the order confirmation at that time shall apply.

5.2  All prices are ex works and exclude packaging, transport and insurance.

5.3 Prices are always quoted in EUR, even if not specified, unless otherwise stated when confirming the order.

6. Payment

6.1  Invoices are due immediately upon receipt of the goods.

6.2  Deductions are not permitted unless they have been expressly agreed in writing with Pyramid. Conflicting trade customs are excluded. The Contracting Party may only set off counterclaims against Pyramid’s claims or withhold payments because of counterclaims if the counterclaims are undisputed or have been legally established or are reciprocal to Pyramid’s claims.

6.3  Incoming payments shall be offset against all due claims in the order in which they arose. The right of the Contracting Party to make unilateral repayment provisions is waived for the entire contractual relationship.

6.4  If the contracting party is in default of payment of a claim, Pyramid shall charge a penalty interest of nine (9) percentage points above the base interest rate for the duration of the default.

6.5  Default shall occur after a reminder has been issued, but at the latest on the 30th day after the due date and receipt of an invoice or equivalent payment schedule. The date of payment is the date of receipt on Pyramid’s account.

6.6  Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 6.4, Pyramid shall be entitled to prove that it has suffered greater damage as a result of the delay.

7. Allocation of risk

7.1  Irrespective of the place of performance, Pyramid’s deliveries shall always be subject to the statutory provisions on sales shipment. The risk of accidental loss and accidental deterioration of the goods shall be borne by the Contracting Party from the time of handover to a suitable transport person. This shall not be affected by freight-free delivery agreements in individual cases. If the Contracting Party is in default of acceptance, the risk shall already pass upon notification of readiness for shipment.

7.2  Return shipments are at the risk of the purchaser unless the purchaser exercises a statutory right of warranty for defects.

8.Warranty for defects

8.1  The limitation period for the statutory warranty for material defects shall be limited by Pyramid to one year after the product was delivered.

8.2  Deliveries must be inspected immediately upon receipt. Obvious defects must be reported to Pyramid in writing without undue delay. Defects that are not immediately apparent must be reported in writing upon discovery without undue delay. If this obligation is neglected, the warranty for such defects is excluded.

8.3  In the event of a defect in the purchased goods, Pyramid shall be entitled to subsequent performance, at its own discretion, either by remedying the defect (subsequent improvement) or by delivering a defect-free item (subsequent delivery). Pyramid may refuse subsequent performance if it involves disproportionate costs. Remedy for defects shall take place at Pyramid’s registered office. On-site service deviating from this shall only take place on the basis of a special agreement. Pyramid shall bear the expenses necessary for the purpose of subsequent performance, in particular transport, labor and material costs; this shall not apply to increased costs due to the delivery item being located at a place other than that of its intended use.

8.4  Goods to be returned must be properly packaged. Transport damage caused by improper packaging shall be borne by the Contracting Party.

8.5  If Pyramid fails to remedy the defect or refuses to remedy the defect, the contracting party may withdraw from the contract or reduce the purchase price by notifying Pyramid.

9. and Packaging Act (VerpackG)

9.1  Take-back obligation according to ElektroG

Pyramid fulfills its take-back obligation according to ElektroG. The respective form is available at:

9.2  Regulation concerning drop shipping

If the customer passes on goods delivered by Pyramid to commercial third parties, the customer shall be obliged to ensure that the commercial third party properly disposes of the goods at the end of their use at the expense of the third party and in accordance with the statutory obligations. If the goods are passed on again, the corresponding obligation must be imposed on the purchaser. If third parties to whom goods supplied by Pyramid have been passed on have not been obliged to contractually fulfill their obligation to dispose of the goods and to continue this obligation due to the customer’s failure to do so, the customer shall be obliged to take back the goods supplied by Pyramid at its own expense after they are no longer in use and to dispose of them properly in accordance with the statutory provisions. The customer is obliged to document the proper passing on of the obligation. The customer must be able to prove the passing on of the obligation to Pyramid at any time.

9.3  Suspension of the statutory limitation period

Pyramid’s claim for indemnification by the customer shall not become time-barred before the expiry of two years after use of the equipment has finally ceased. The two-year expiry suspension shall not commence until Pyramid has received written notification from the customer of the termination of use.

9.4 Pyramid’s packaging is licensed in accordance with the Packaging Act. Pyramid’s registration number is DE1050382414752. 

10. Standard of liability

10.1  Pyramid shall only be liable for intent and gross negligence. This also applies to the liability for vicarious agents and other auxiliary persons.

10.2  The aforementioned limitation of liability shall not apply to the culpable breach of material contractual obligations by executive bodies, legal representatives, employees, vicarious agents and other auxiliary persons. Material contractual obligations are those whose performance gives the contract its character and makes its proper performance possible. Insofar as Pyramid is not guilty of gross negligence or intent, liability shall, however, be limited to foreseeable, typically occurring damage.

10.3  Liability under the Product Liability Act shall remain unaffected; this shall also apply to liability for culpable injury to life, limb or health. If Pyramid assumes a guarantee, it shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions.

11. Export business

11.1  Legal instruction: Goods supplied by Pyramid may be subject to German and foreign export controls and embargo regulations. Re-export from Germany and re-import to third countries is then only permitted with the approval of the competent authorities (possibly from several countries and the EU).

11.2  It is the Contracting Party’s responsibility to check in each individual case whether any of the restrictions referred to in Clause 11.1 exist.

11.3  It is also the Contracting Party’s responsibility to inform its customers of the restrictions mentioned in Clause 11.1 and to work towards the fulfillment of existing obligations up to the end customer.

12. Place of performance

The place of performance shall be Pyramid’s registered office.

13. Place of jurisdiction

13.1  The place of jurisdiction is Pyramid’s registered office in Freiburg im Breisgau. This applies to local and international jurisdiction. Pyramid may also sue the Contracting Party at its registered office.

13.2  The aforementioned provision shall apply to contractual relationships with merchants, legal entities under public law and special funds under public law. For non-merchants, the statutory provisions shall apply.

14. Applicable law

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed exclusively by German law, to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).

15. Written form

15.1 Amendments and supplements (individual agreements) must be made in writing. The same applies to the amendment of the written form requirement itself.

15.2 Text form (e-mail, fax, etc.) shall be sufficient to comply with the written form requirement in these General Terms and Conditions, unless expressly stated otherwise.


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Pyramid Computer GmbH
Boetzinger Strasse 60
D-79111 Freiburg, Germany

Erfurt Plant

Pyramid Computer GmbH
Feldstrasse 1
D-99334 Amt Wachsenburg, Germany

Witzenhausen Plant

Pyramid Computer GmbH
Bischhaeuser Aue 10
D-37213 Witzenhausen, Germany

R&D Centre

Pyramid Computer GmbH
Wilhelmstrasse 43,
D-52070 Aachen,

Pyramid North America

Pyramid North America Inc.
13800 Coppermine Rd
Herndon, VA 20171 USA

Asia Headquarters

faytech Tech. Co., Ltd.
Fl. 2, Bldg. 8, Winlead Intelligent Park
Shenzhen, China

India Office

faytech Private Limited
3/16 Shanti Niketan
New Delhi 110021, India

Japanese Office

faytech Inc.
6th floor CI building 1-7-11
Higashinihonbashi, Chuoku
Tokyo, Japan

South Korea Office

Deutsche faytech Korea
#501, GBSA, 107 Gwanggyoro, Yeongong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16229, Republic of Korea

South Africa Office

faytech Africa
74 Link Road,
Waterfall 3610,
South Africa

UK & Ireland

Pinntec Limited
Unit 4 Newtown Grange Farm Business Park, Desford Road, Newtown Unthank, Leicester, Leics LE9 9FL, GB

Pyramid AG

Pyramid AG
Sendlinger-Tor-Platz 8
D-80336 München

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